Thursday, November 29, 2012

UUC Hunger Initiative Back Pack Project A Great Success

Thanks to the generosity of our congregation, we were able to donate 75 backpacks, plus a variety of extra items, to the Daily Bread Soup Kitchen backpack giveaway. Congratulations everyone for a fantastic effort! At the Daily Bread on the day before the giveaway we sorted through a mountain of packs. Ellen Harms lost count of the total number that came in, but it was over 1000. There were also lots of boxes full of extra items. The extra things were all filed into boxes according to type of item – blankets, gloves, socks, toiletries, snacks, etc. At first glance it appeared chaotic, but in fact the operation was quite organized. We did our best to stuff some extra things into packs that could hold a little more. We even had enough stuff to fill some bags that were donated empty. In the end, there were three rooms full of packs for men, women, and children. Then on the day of the giveaway, people were lined up around the corner. Unfortunately the weather was a little drizzly, but we had a very jolly Santa and helper who worked the line, giving out candy and doodads to keep people happy while they waited. People were allowed in ten at a time, so the giveaway inside was calm and easy. Everyone got a pack, and then a sack lunch. They exited out the back door. I was quite impressed by the smoothness of the proceedings. It was heartwarming to see how happy people were to receive the packs. Almost 100% of them said thank you and Merry Christmas. It was an uplifting experience. Thank you for helping to make the holidays happier for all these people.

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