Thursday, December 26, 2013

Help Keep the Heat On: A Drive to Replace Our Boiler System

The ancient boiler needs replacement. It has done its job of keeping generations of church members warm for Sunday services and other events, but is extremely inefficient. The Property Committee and the Green UUs are spearheading a drive to raise the funds for replacement as the result of a challenge by two very generous members.

Why Now?

If the congregation can raise half the cost for replacement, Tom and Jean Gillespie will match the other half with a targeted donation. This is an item on the Property Committee Wish List. We would like to install a new system at the close of the heating season, in Spring 2014. So let's take up this challenge and meet the Gillespie's offer halfway.

How to Contribute

Please send your donations to the church office, Attention: “Boiler Fund.” Please be sure to address the check to “UUCUC” and to write "Boiler Fund" in the memo line. If you have questions, just ask Jerry Carden, chair of the Property Committee, whose e-mail is provided below in bold. We will provide you with a special letter recognizing your donation for any tax records you need.

Some Parameters:

1) It is important that this be considered an above and beyond donation that you give because of your interest in and enthusiasm for this particular project. We want to make sure this extra fund drive in no way impacts your church pledge.
2) This drive by the Boiler Elves will end on Tuesday, December 31 st .

A Centennial Birthday Gift to our Church

2014 is the centennial year of our stone church building. The prior brick church was torn down in 1913, and the new cornerstone laid on November 30 th of that same year. The church that we inhabit now was completed and dedicated in September of 1914. It was built on the foundation of the original Universalist church built in 1871. The current boiler system, itself over 50 years old, is hugely inefficient. We’ve had continued issues with its operation over the last few years. We would like to replace it before it becomes an emergency. This project is also part of the new overall church strategic initiative just adopted. It helps meet the Green UUs goals of becoming more energy efficient, which in turn helps us toward our recognition by the UUA as a green sanctuary, and should also significantly reduce our energy bills and current carbon

The final bids are still being crafted, but we are guessing that we will need to raise between $12,000 and $14,000 to cover half the cost of a new system. The more we raise, the more enhancements we can include in the overall system. Some donors may be able to pitch in $500 or $1,000, but even smaller increments will help.

For additional information, contact Jerry Carden at

Thank you for your support!

The Boiler Elves

This drive is being brought to you by the Property Committee: Jerry Carden, Tom Gillespie, Jerry & Fran Hunt, Andy Robinson, Dave & Anne Sharpe, Charlie Wisseman, Steve Troyer, Jared Lofrano, and Ralph Dady. And by the Green UUs: Andy Robinson, Emily Laugesen, Barbara Jauhola, and Gail Hueting.

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