Friday, May 22, 2015

Food and Water Watch Champions Fair Trade

Grow your brain and have fun learning about fair trade in game! This PowerPoint presentation and simulation game event is free and open to the public, and will begin at 6:00 p.m. this Tuesday, May 26th in Fellowship Hall. It is hosted by the local Food and Water Watch chapter and co-sponsored by the Green UUs and Social Action Committees. For more information, contact Green UUs Chair Andy Robinson at

This event begins with a brief Powerpoint presentation led by Lois Kain on Fast track and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). These are very pressing and immediate issues for Food and Water Watch. We are trying to get the word out to our local communities about just how devastating previous “fair trade “ agreements have been by giving so much power to corporations to rule over every aspect of our lives, from jobs to our health to our environment. These trade agreements are a race to the bottom and we have to let our lawmakers know that Americans do not want a corporate takeover of our country.

Afterward, participate in a Trade Simulation Game led by creator Gina Chamberlain. Have you ever wondered how we apply our principles of justice and peace to the ways that trade agreements work? Does the topic seem too big, too far away and too complicated?  The Trade Simulation Game is designed to bring these issues to life through stories from our global partners.  Participants assume a character in four trade stories loosely based on real scenarios.  The characters share their realities with others and work together to understand the role of trade agreements and the people impacted by these agreements. Discussion focuses on how we can respond on behalf of the poor and the environment. The game – which requires about two hours to complete – is an interactive, fun way to learn about this important issue.

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