Thursday, January 9, 2014

CIVICS 101: How Many UUs Does it Take…?

The short answer is “All of us!” But that’s not my point here. Our UU church is “congregational,” meaning ultimate decision-making authority rests with the voting members of the church. The congregation delegates some of its authority to members who are elected to represent us in various governance functions, and for specific terms. It’s those people I want to focus on.
So, the answer is 23! Nearly ten percent of our congregation is serving in elected positions, from the Board of Trustees to Trustees of the UU Trust
Fund, from the Mediation Committee to the Nominating Committee, whose task is to provide the congregation with nominees for all these positions. Some are elected for two-year terms (the Clerk, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, and Moderator), some for three years (BOT Trustees, Mediation Committee), and the Trust Fund Trustees serve for four years.  Almost all can serve for two consecutive terms, and it helps the church run smoothly for them to do so, but the nine Board Trustees serve for one term only – or rather, one term at a time.
The Nominating Committee will be seeking nine more members to be elected by the congregation at its May meeting: three BOT Trustees, the Treasurer, Moderator, three members of the Nominating Committee (the other three are the 3rd year BOT members), and one Trust Fund Trustee. 
Think about it – would you consider putting your experience in this church to use in one of these elected positions? Your Nominating committee would be delighted to talk with you about the opportunities and what they entail. Just ask Lynn Wileya, Bill, Dave B., Tanja Hodges, Sara or Dave Sharpe (who wrote this piece).

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