Wednesday, May 7, 2014

New Two-Year Initiative

Immigrant Justice and Assistance is the theme of our new church-wide social action initiative for the next two years. There are many things we can all do to help, including a variety of activities already going on at ECIRMAC, right here in our church building. You can attend an English conversation group for practicing language skills, assist with DACA training and drivers’ license application, plan events for immigrant justice month with an interfaith alliance group, or collect donations of goods for ECIRMAC distribution to new immigrants. Or perhaps you want to assist with activities at the Rantoul Multicultural Center. These are only a few ideas. The opportunities are endless!

Very soon a task force will be formed to guide the work of the initiative. Everyone in the congregation can contribute suggestions for activities and participate in large or small ways. We certainly hope you will.

We really appreciate all the enthusiasm that has been shown for the concept of the two-year initiative. Several people put in quite a bit of work on proposals, and I know everyone thought about these a great deal before voting. The final vote was incredibly difficult because both immigrant justice and prison justice are so important and urgent. There is a good deal of overlap in these two areas, and in any case, all good works by the Anti-Racism Chalice Circle and others continue! As Pat Nolan pointed out, nobody should live in fear of a knock on the door in the middle of the night.

– Sandy Hannum

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